Chapter 225 - General of the Sword Gate Pass

He saw a middle-aged man sitting in front of a table!

This middle-aged man was slightly short and slightly chubby. He exuded a military aura that could not be concealed; he was obviously a person who had been in the military for many years! It was truly strange that such a person would actually come to the main altar of white lotus!

Zhao Chen was frowning at the middle-aged man!

He recognized this middle-aged man. This man was originally Wu Jie's subordinate, and later on, he was ordered to guard the Sword Gate Pass.

"Why is he here? Could he also be a disciple of a devil sect? Or did he come here on Wu Jie's orders? " Zhao Chen secretly thought.

"Brother Zhao, what's wrong?" Seeing Zhao Chen's strange expression, Zhang Ziqiu could not help but ask.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something strange!" Zhao Chen withdrew his gaze and said indifferently.

Wang Song who was in front of him seemed to have felt something was amiss, he suddenly turned his head, but at this time, Zhao Chen had already lowered his head, he did not see Zhao Chen at all! Very quickly, Wang Song turned his head again!

"Looks like I have to make clear of this matter!" If this Wang Song is also from the Demonic Way, then we need to get rid of him! " Zhao Chen secretly thought.

The Sword Gate Pass was a sect of the Sichuan River, and they could not afford to lose! The position of a general in the Sword Gate Pass was extremely important, they definitely could not place a person who did not know the ins and outs of the Devil Sect here!

The Sect Leader of the white lotus above seemed to be talking about something, but Zhao Chen was no longer in the mood to listen. And up above, Song Qingyao, who was dressed in white clothes, would look at Zhao Chen from time to time, with a strange expression in his eyes!

After a long while, Zhao Chen finally focused his attention on Sect Master Bai Lian! What Sect Leader Bai Lian said was all empty words. He was simply grateful to his fellow sect member for coming over to help, and for agreeing to start a war with him! In the future, after they gained control of the Chuan Shu s, they would be able to hold positions with their sect brothers! The Devil Dao cultivators below were all cheering, but they were all abnormally excited! Of course, Zhang Ziqiu wasn't moved in the slightest. His gaze was always on Song Qingyao, and her entire person seemed to be in a daze!

After half an hour, the Sword Gate Pass Guardsman, Wang Song, actually left his seat and headed outside!

Zhao Chen thought about it, then left his seat and headed outside!

"Brother Zhao, where are you going?" Zhang Ziqiu shouted from behind.

"I'm a bit of a piss anxious!" "We have to go and make it convenient for ourselves!" Zhao Chen said.

"Ugh!" Zhang Ziqiu was startled, and immediately nodded his head!

But for some reason, he felt that Zhao Chen's actions were weird!

Seeing Zhao Chen leaving, the gaze of Song Qingyao, who was in the air above, slightly moved as well! After a while, Song Qingyao whispered a few sentences into Sect Master Bai Lian's ears, and immediately headed outside as well!

"Where did Wang Song go?" When Zhao Chen came outside, he carefully examined the place and did not see any trace of Wang Song!

At this moment, he was also exceptionally cautious. If Wang Song discovered him and pointed out his identity, he would be in grave danger!

It was at that moment that a figure appeared in the distance!

This human figure was slightly short and slightly fat, who else could it be other than Wang Song?

Wang Song was walking towards the inn where Zhao Chen and the rest were staying!

His speed was extremely fast, and behind him, Zhao Chen was closely following him!

"Does he live in that inn?" Fortunately, I haven't been out much these few days, otherwise I'd really be in danger! " Zhao Chen secretly thought.

He had already entered the Upper Sky Realm Martial Arts. His martial arts skills were extremely high and his Qing Gong was exceptionally high. He followed behind Wang Song, but Wang Song did not sense anything!

Not long after, Wang Song entered the inn, and Zhao Chen followed along!

Today, the inn was very quiet. It was as if everyone in the inn had gone to see the gathering in the town! And because of this, no one noticed Zhao Chen's abnormality!

Wang Song was walking in front while Zhao Chen was standing at a corner!

After a while, Wang Song pushed open a door and entered!

Zhao Chen walked to the front of the room with light footsteps, and leaned to listen to the sounds inside the room!

Slowly, Zhao Chen heard the sounds of conversation!

"Elder Wang, are you able to control the entire Sword Gate Pass now?" It was a woman's voice. It sounded slightly hoarse!

"Senior Sister Liu, don't worry. The entire Sword Gate Pass is under my control! Everyone in Sword Gate Pass is mine! The key is that those people at the positions are all subordinate to our white lotus! " Wang Song's voice sounded out.

"With the protection of the Yangtze River, what kind of person is Wu Jie?" The woman's voice came again.

"Wu Jie is no small matter! He had once defeated the female true master in Dazhang Pass, but not many people knew about this matter! I was right in front of Wu Jie at that time, he used weapons like a god, it was the first time I saw him in my life! Amongst the generals of the Western Army, no one can compare to him! " Wang Song said.

"So he's one of our future threats?" The woman said.

"That's right!" He is a great threat to us! But my white lotus has been in operation in the Chuan Shu for many years, and once there is a disturbance, fires will be lit everywhere in the Chuan Shu, no matter how capable he is, he would not be our match! Our main goal is to control the Sword Gate Pass and prevent the armies of Guan Shan and Middle Han Area from entering the Chuan Shu! At that time, we can slowly take care of Wu Jie! Furthermore, we can contact Emperor Jianyan and ask his water army to head north to take care of Wu Jie together! " Wang Song said.

"You're right!" As long as we can control the Sword Gate Pass, no matter how strong Wu Jie is, he won't be our match! In the past, Wang Bo and Zhang Shun were also part of the white lotus and started this incident there as well. Unfortunately, they were unable to control the Sword Gate Pass and the army of the imperial government continuously poured in from the Sword Gate Pass. This time, we will learn from our past mistakes and definitely succeed! " The woman said.

Zhao Chen was quietly listening from outside. When he heard that Wang Bo and Zhang Shun were also part of the white lotus, he was stunned! He had never thought of linking Wang Bo, Zhang Shun, and the others with the white lotus!

In his memory, the white lotus shouldn't have a very long history! It was the first year of Song Dynasty, but there didn't seem to be a white lotus yet!

In fact, the origins of white lotus were extremely complicated. There were many ways to describe the origins of white lotus! Some said that the white lotus originated from the Miner Sect during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, some said that it originated from the Manichean Sect during the Tang Dynasty, some said that it originated from the White Lotus Sect of Buddhism, and some even said that it originated from the Daoist Sect! There were also some who said that the white lotus had combined the teachings of these various sects and created a new faith of "Vacuum Home, dead mother"! Many peasant uprisings in ancient China were more or less related to the white lotus!

Although it was called the "white lotus", its history was unending! Mani Sect, Ming Sect, etc. are all closely related to the white lotus!

Not only Wang Bo, Zhang Shun, and the Fang La uprising in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, at the very beginning, Fang La was still using the Mani Sect's name, and Fang La was also a White Lotus disciples! The white lotus had the saying "white lotus bloomed, King Ming descended", and in the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Little Ming King Han Lin'er's uprising took him as the slogan! Some said that Han Lin'er was from Mani Sect, some said that he was from Ming sect, and some said that he was from white lotus.

Hearing about Wang Song's scheme, Zhao Chen was slightly shocked!

If the white lotus truly took over the Sword Gate Pass, then it would have a huge impact on the entire world! When the news reached the north, at least the people of the north would be unsettled! As for the north, they were currently facing the female experts and Emperor Kang. Under such a situation, their hearts were unsettled, and the result could be imagined!

"It seems that I have to get rid of this General of the Sword Gate Pass!" Zhao Chen secretly thought.

And from within the room, the voices of Wang Song and the lady continued to ring out!

"Are you sure that the Emperor Xuanwu is still in the north?" The woman said.

"Of course he's still in the north! Now that the situation in Guan Shan was so dangerous, he didn't dare go south at all! If we were to suddenly make a move, he would definitely not discover anything! This time, our white lotus will definitely obtain the entire Chuan Shu! " Wang Song said.

"In all the years that the Emperor Xuanwu has been fighting against enemies from all over, he has become famous all over the world. Even Zhe Keqiu was not his opponent, and neither was the Nvzhen! We still have to watch out for him! " The woman said.

"No matter how strong he is, he's still just a teenager! The Advocacy Division of the imperial government said that he was a god that had descended to the mortal world. He said that he was a great man, a saint, a godly man of the current world. In my, Wang Song's, eyes, he's still just a mortal, not something to be afraid of! Don't worry, once we get our hands on the Chuan Shu, we'll definitely be able to eliminate him! In the future, my white lotus will rule the world and we will establish a flourishing white lotus! This is my, Wang Song's, ambition! " Wang Song revealed a trace of madness on his face as he said this.

"Good!" I hope everything goes well! Compared to Emperor Jianyan, Nvzhen, Sect Leader and I are actually more afraid of this young Emperor Xuanwu! " The woman said.

The two of them chatted for a while longer before the woman pushed open the door and walked outside!

And Zhao Chen had already hidden himself!

When the girl had left, Zhao Chen once again came to the door!

He once again listened to the sounds coming from inside. It was extremely quiet inside, as if there was no one inside!

Zhao Chen did not hesitate anymore and suddenly pushed open the door and walked in!

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